How to Find, Download and Share to Instagram using Embrosa.

Must-see masterclass for every (amika) hairdresser

A masterclass by Embrosa for haircare brand amika

To re-watch this masterclass. Click here.

On the 10th of July 2020, in the middle of the Corona pandemic, Embrosa gave an Instagram Live masterclass on the @amikapro account. Embrosian Lies Timmering (just say Liz) talks you through the Embrosa App and explains how you can use the Embrosa app to find, download, and share amazing content on your Instagram and Facebook accounts. Especially if you are an amika hairstylist or amika hair salon, this masterclass is a must-see.

Watch the replay of the masterclass on IGTV here (on the @amikapro account). Or read the transcript of the masterclass below 👇

🎁 And ... since you're here. We've got a little extra's for you here. 😉 🎁 😘

👇 Transcript of the Masterclass Find, Download and Share on Social Media 👇

Get the Embrosa App and follow the steps on your own phone


We are introducing ourselves because so many people are joining already, so. Hi, everyone, my name is Liz and this is Melanie, the very enthusiastic behind me here, the CEO of Embrosa


and she's a marketer


Yay! I'm the social media fanatic for Embrosa. So that's why I'm here to talk to you today. Why am I here? My name is Lies (Liz). Short introduction. I am actually a hairstylist. I used to be a hairstylist. I did that for like ten years, was a hairstylist for Toni and Guy.

I did that in Amsterdam. From Amsterdam. I moved to Malta. I used to be a stylist in Malta for some time, managed the salon there for ,a franchise owner there, came back to the Netherlands and at one point started school again. I wanted to do something different was having some trouble with my arm. All of you hairstylist can relate. The shoulders and the arms, it's rough. So I went back to school, I studied became something totally different.

This time, after I did a study in Haarlem to become a hairstylist, I became a teacher. And then when I became a teacher, I started writing a lot. And from the writing and my own social media fanatic craze, I met up with Embrosa. And so I live in Washington, D.C. right now.

And hi, everyone. Oh, hair questions .... We need you all to answer that. I mean, I know, but the amika products ... I need amika hairdressers to respond to that. Thank you.

I would have known but haven't used them that much yet. So I'm very happy to have all these beautiful stuff right here behind me.

So I became a social media fanatic, but I so relate. I used to be a hairdresser for so long and I love the salon and I have such beautiful memories of my salon days. So it's so nice to be back with amika.

Thank you to amika. You know, thank you for giving us the time during this very successful Masterclass series.

It's so cool and a little scary as well to be live and doing this for you all. Time is the most precious thing we have. And so, you know, we're happy that you're spending your time with us and we're happy that we get to spend this time with you. And also, that's one of the reasons why we're here, because we want you to spend your time in the way that you want to spend your time and not doing social media when it can be so easy. And we want to help you with that. So ...


One side kick.


One side kick. 


Yes. You have to kind of come back with the question if people ask something. Yes. Because in the replay, you don't see the question.


So happy we are working together. So thank you, Melanie, for that. So there's questions, there's questions like about your hair being dry and the products you need to use. And there is a lot of amika pro's right here that can answer that question that, you know, they can help you with the products.

I see @tpowerful asking, should I order your product? And if you mean Embrosa, then you can just download it.

So we're going to do that for you. We're going to show you where to go. We're going to drop the link in there. My colleagues are on that as well. And then at the same time, we have Rogier (Roger) from Utrecht and he is on line two. So if you run into any technical problems, Roger is right there to help you with that.


So going back very quickly for the people that are just joining. Hi, so nice to meet you. My name is Lies. I'm very happy to be with the amika crew today. I used to be a hairstylist myself and I so I'm really happy to be, you know, kind of related to the hairdressing industry right now. So nice to meet all of you. I'm here with my colleague Melanie, who's helping me behind the screen and who's going to be helping me out in a minute as well with, you know, talk about Embrosa and why we can help you.

So, yeah, Embrosa why Embrosa?

So we want to tell you we are seeing ... "@highvoltagehair the Embrosa app is so awesome. I love it so far. That is fantastic." That's what we would like to hear. That's why we work very hard to make it as easy as possible for you.

So the whole thing about Embrosa is we started out as an app for the hairdressing industry and the reason for that is that we saw a hairdresser struggle with having their social media game up and running.

And, you know, they're professionals doing hair. They're busy in their salons. They didn't really want to make the time to do their social media that much or spend a lot of time learning how to do it.

So, we built an app to do it for you, basically, but that still needs you to give it your personal touch.

So Embrosa has been around for almost five. And we have been working with amika for over a year, I guess. A little over a year right now. And our App is filled with amika content for you to use. Beautiful content made by @amikapro. And you get to use that if you download our app for free, you get direct access to all their beautiful content. So I'm going to talk about this today. I'm going to talk about amika. I'm going to talk about social media just a little.

And mostly I'm going to tell you how to use Embrosa so that it's just not going to cost you that much time. And we're going to talk for about 30 minutes. So we're going to try not to be too long. As we said, time is precious. Thank you for spending your time with us.

So what are we going to do in the next 30 minutes? We're going to show you how easy it is to have your social media done right.

Real quick, if you're a salon owner, amikapro ambassador. If you are, you know, a beauty guru. If you're out there, if you're selling amika. Or you want to sell on amika through your social media, then we have the right tool for you how to do that.

We're going to be taking questions live. I see all the beautiful comments coming in. It's nice that my colleague is answering questions right away. So if you have any questions, just throw them in there and we'll have them answered within no time.

So amika has been telling you to download our app. Now, why would you do that? Basically, what we can do is we can make your social media life just a lot easier. Embrosa is so easy.

It's made to be easy. So there's not a lot of stuff to do. I'm going to show you in a minute. And I'm going to walk you through it. How to get started. And you should be able to share amika right away. So it's when we finish thirty minutes from now, like you're sharing amika posts real easy from the Embrosa app. You can download the app and I'm going to drop the emb.link/amikarocks.


I have it right behind me as well. So you should be able to see, I think, emb.link/amikarocks. We are going to drop that a few more times, so at least you all know where to go. We have all these beautiful products right behind me here. I'm going to show you in a minute how to use those to have your social media up and running.

First, I want to continue quickly because I think maybe some of you have seen the masterclass with Daniel Mason Jones.

He had a masterclass on the twenty seventh of March, did that in a Masterclass series for amika. And please know that you can find all the masterclasses that have been online. That you can find them again in amika's Instagram TV. Just look there and somewhere if you scroll down you'll find the right Masterclass.

Daniel Mason Jones, he gave social media tips and tricks. And he talks about lots of different things and gave amazing tips. And he talked about the hashtags. He talked about geotags. We're going to talk about those shortly, too, as well.

But in short, he spoke about the opportunities that social media gives us. That social media can give us. And I think, you know, we don't need to go over that. That's why you're here and you know what it does and you're on Instagram. So, you know, one of the things about social media is that it's quite overwhelming. Social media is a lot of work and it's like the very hungry caterpillar.

It's never enough. Like there has to be new content and you have to do your grid and you have to do your stories. And then there's Instagram TV and what are you going to do?

So amika joined Embrosa to make it very easy for you to share the right content that amika would like, you know, to share with everyone. We developed Embrosa to do this. To make it easy for you. So we'll retouch some of the topics that he talked about before in the masterclass. Daniel Mason Jones. But we won't focus on all of them. What I want to do is make it as quick as possible. Go to Embrosa, so you know where to go.

What Daniel Mason Jones talked about is four (neighbourhoods). He did it like this (with his hands) and he said we have four different areas within Instagram. You'll know there is 1) your grid, then there's 2) your feed, there's 3) live (what we're doing right now) and then there is 4) Instagram TV.

So you have these four different areas and it feels like a lot to keep them all up and running. What we're going to do right now is focus on just your grid. How are you going to keep that grid up? How are you going to maintain it consistently as well? Because it needs to be a constant. It's just like your portfolio and you want to make real sure you're an amika salon and you want to promote the products.

So our solution: there is a quick way to do this: is the Embrosa App for amika.


So we started Embrosa, you know, about five years ago for people that knew they had to be online, that were maybe even passionate about being online but didn't really know how to be online. And we made that very easy. We have made it even easier. So if you become an Embrosa premium account, you get a ready-made planning that you only need to retouched, just a little bit, to make it even more personal.

But the big magic word here is personal.

So it's not a ready-made social media that is the same for everyone. What we think is very important is that it's personal. It has to be a personal relationship, like a connection between one and the other.

If you just upload a random set of pictures without making it personal for your clients or your location, people are not going to, you know, connect to you. They're not going to feel the real connection. And so there won't be any engagement. And what we want is engagement. So how can we make that as good as possible?

So I'm staring at my screen every now and then. I don't want to miss anything.

The magic word is personalization.

So what we've made is we've made an app that makes it really easy for you to be online and at the same time still make it personal. So what amika did is they gave us all their beautiful content. In the app. And it's up to date every day. So what amika shares you can share because they want to make your life easier.

So what they're doing is they're giving us the content. They put it inside the Embrosa app. And if you download the app and you add amika as your brand, you have all the content you need to share with everyone to be out there on Instagram or Facebook. So ...


Can I .... can I just ... it is so amazing .... to look at this. You want this. You want their beautiful content. Right?


So powerful. It's so cool. And I love that the content just keeps coming and it's just so cool, so I can really understand why you would want to share that.


So remember to go to emb.link/amikarocks. We have a discount code for you in there.

So what we really would like to do, we always give you like a 14 days, like a two weeks, of free trial. What we really want to do is we want to give you an extra two months to that. So that you'll have like two and a half months of like using the premium options and seeing what it can do for you and how much time it will actually save you once you get the hang of it. And we should make it as easy as possible. So it should be an easy step for you to do.


What I want to do is I want to, like, walk you through the steps of how to use Embrosa for Amika. And Melanie actually made some beautiful cards for that. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to show it to you, not by using my phone. I'm going to show it to you by using these cards. These are so cool, Melanie.


I love them.




I love them.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you


I want them as a poster. So what we have here, we have that app when you download it.

This is the download screen. When you open the app, this is what you see. You see Embrosa. I'm just going to put them here. 


Or you just throw them out.


Oh, no.


OK, so when you go to the app for the very first time, you first see that screen that's going to tell you a few things. We want to make it easy. So that's why I'm doing this. And remember that when this is finished and we're going offline, you can always loop this again. Go to @amikapro,  Instagram TV, and watch their live story and you can re-watch it and you can go over this again and again. So if you need help doing it at the same time, like download it after the masterclass and follow the steps, plus we're available for any questions, so just shoot.


So the first thing you see is they're going to make you choose like an industry. And the industry here, of course, would be hairdresser. So you choose hairdresser and then it brings you to some kind of like starting screen, like a home screen.


It shows you like a banner that has general content in there, like special days in July. It shows you some random general pictures right here because you haven't set any brands yet.

But what we really want you to do, and why this is so good for you, is we want to have you add a brand there.


Now, the brand that we, of course, want you to add is amika. So when you type amika, you just choose Amika and it brings you to ...


Oh oh, you first have to log in like it's not going to let you go straight to amika. And why is that? Amika needs to know who you are before they give you the content. So they want to show, you know, they want to be able to see where the amika contents is being shared. Because that is just cool basically as well.

So it needs you to sign it and create a new account.


Then once you've done that, it tells you to fill in your name and the salon where you work. It tells you, like to really make yourself known.


Then right away the amika brand is added to your account. When you click on amika, then when you go to amika, you come to that fantastic page and Melanie just showed you like.  I feel like I want to scroll right here.


I will scroll for you.


I am so happy you're scrolling. I want to show you. It's just so cool. So you go to the Amika page. This is the brand page of amika. And if you scroll, you see all the amazing content that you know that you need. Basically. It's amazing all the content that's in there.


When you go back, you just push the little arrow, you go back to the home screen and then you see amika is now added as well to your general pictures on your home screen.

Now, any time you want to go to really amika, you just press Amika right here and you're back at the brand page. So it's real easy for you to go there.


If you just choose any picture, say, for example, you want this, you really want to see it. You just click on this picture and it gives you the picture in high resolution. You can do lots of pictures. You can do lots of things with this picture. And as you can see, it gives you like the product pic, but it also gives you like the caption and the hashtags that Amika has come up with for you to share. It gives you the credits of whose picture it is or who's the stylist.


Is it this one? 


Is it that that one?


It is amazing.


I think we're going to be doing hair. Right after this. So you click on this picture and you want to share it. So what you want to do is you want to push the button, like to share this item. 


And then it gives you a few options. The options it gives you are really simple. It gives you the options to share and or plan it, you know, to go to Facebook.


We love hashtags. That is what Amika Europe is saying. We love hashtag too.

Share to Instagram, plan for Instagram or download. You can download it as well in high resolution and I don't know, make postcards. So you can do whatever you want with the content because it's so great quality. And you can copy the text as well. So you don't even have to come up with your own text. You can just basically use the pre-made text that amika has just shared it with.


Now, if you press share to, for example, let's say Facebook right now, what it does is it brings you to the screen on Facebook and you can just click here and you can just add the text.


You can just make it your own salon name. You can make it your own girls or the guys from the salon. You can name your own clients, you know, say what a happy client you send out with this product. It's very easy to personalize, which is, you know, again, the magic word.


Just sharing this and pressing send is not going to get you enough engagement. It's a beautiful picture, but the client won't recognize itself in the text that he or she is seeing. And what we really would like is that you, you know, are using the hashtags for your location, the geotags for your location. So we'll show you in a minute real quick how to do that.


Daniel Mason Jones really explained that already. That's why I'm saying, like, we would re-watch that as well, because it's so useful, his masterclass was very useful. A lot of tips on like how to get as many fish from the river as possible by using hashtags and how to not be, for example, shadow banned. When you , and I made that mistake myself, when you keep using the same hashtags over and over again, the hashtag just won't work anymore. And that's a shame. So you are missing out on content there.


But say .... you're going to do like Instagram planning, you know, because we are now showing you.

OK, so you can share opposed to social media. You can share it really easy to Facebook. You can share real easy to Instagram. Its just the touch of a button and you've got this beautiful content out there. What we can also show you is how to make a planning, which is saving you a lot of time, because what it basically does, it takes up all the amika content for a month and it gives you a ready-made planning for the next month.


And what it does, it basically gives you a grid overview. Now, if you are going to push this ... Mel, you're going to show us live in a minute as well, right? So it looks fantastic. 

You just press that button, the button, 'make a planning for me', and then what it does, it tells you, oh, well, OK, hold on. Just, you know, we're going to work for you and then, like, within like a minute you have a full planning in your screen and it looks a little something like this.

Quick recap. You want to change and use this button to go from Facebook, back to Instagram, and back to Facebook, and Instagram. You can just keep pressing this and then you'll go from the one platform to the other platform.


So we're right here, you know, doing this Instagram masterclass. So I thought I focus on this one for now. What you see right here are the pictures that are, and you know, like the concept that we are suggesting for you to use for your Instagram in the next month. If you want to change it, like they still have, like little red border, all you have to do is like open them up.


And basically you just Tinder your way through Instagram and through the Instagram planning. What we've done is we've said, you know, we make it real easy. You either like it or you don't. If you don't like the content, you just press this one or you and you deny it. Or what you can also do is say, give me another one. I want to see something different, like I need another post for this day. You just press simply on the dice.

You roll the die and then it gives you another post and there's enough amika content to choose from. So, you know, push it and see what happens. And actually I think even pops confetti on your screen. Or it should at least because it's like a little party in your home. So that's how you change a picture here.


But, you know, we're saying personalize and personalization is everything. So what if you said, OK, I really like this planning, but I want to change something. Mel, can you show us?


Yes, absolutely. So I'll come to you. Yeah. No, come here. We can do this together. Sit on each other right now. No Corona Time. Come here you go. 


So you have the Embrosa app. So, Lies has already explained everything really well.


So come in here Chica. So. So here you have the amika brand pages, the amazing content and what we're going to do first. Are we going to approve the planning first or do you want to, like, post one post to Instagram or do you want to make it personal?


I want to make it personal


OK, and that's going to make one personal. So we're going to check out one of the pictures. They're so beautiful, it's hard to choose from.

So let's do this one. Soul Food and the cure. I really like this picture and I would like to share this to Instagram. So I'm going to choose one post and then share it to Instagram. You'll see it.

It's you see one button here. Share your post, share this item and I will choose to share to Instagram.

I can choose if I want to share to my feed or to stories. So you can share to stories too. That's amazing, right? And it will bring you to Instagram.

You can use all the filters in Instagram that you like. But I will go on, and continue. And now it seems like there is ... oh we were personalizing stuff right ... 


It's all right, we can do this.

So it's now empty. You don't see any text there, but that's normal. The only thing that you need to do




You need to do, we have already copied the text for you. And you'll see the caption there that amika prepared for you. But you can personalize it.


So but a lot of people find it scary to just actually write the caption. So it's pre-made basically. A prefab caption. All you need to do is just personalize it.


Yes. Yes. It's a great way to get started.




If you're afraid of writing the captions. Amika is helping you so much by writing the caption, so do use it.


Yeah. And also what you can do right here is add your own personal hashtags.




Make it about your salon and you can add your salon there and add your geolocation at your geotag right there. Where it says 'add location'.


Add location, you see it here.


So you can still personalize this whole post. Yes. Now, will you be so kind as to show the viewers, like, how you can easily change a picture with, like a picture of, for example, me with the product?


Yes. OK, so I am inspired by this post.

So 'Soul Food and the cure'. So I'm going to find here in my new salon here, I'm going to find a something. I don't know which one I like. I said, but here is soul food.





We're going to make a personal picture with this one.


Oh, it is cool.

So I have this caption and I have the picture, but I want to make my own picture for it. So let's say I'm going to share it to Facebook this time.

So here, if I go to Facebook, you'll see that you will have a little camera icon there. I will click it and then .... I can take a picture of Lies.


OK, so what you really want to do is you want to really show your salon .... maybe even your salon, your clients, you know, that are really happy with your product instead of just the products on the shelf. All you have to do is just change the picture


and you'll see it in the app.


That is just really good.


Really good picture, right? 


So so that is making it really easy for you. It's personalized and you can do this with just like download and share. You can also do this when you get your ready-made planning. And I love that feature because it gives you a ready-made planning for like a whole month making your life easy. You can get it for both Instagram and Facebook. It has the fantastic amika posts. But maybe, you know, you want to shuffle it up a bit. Maybe you want to take out, like, the product pics and just change them with a personal picture. Of you and the product. Or a client and a product. Or, you know, the product in your salon, not so much like a general picture. It's really easy to do that.


Yes. So, again, recap. So in the app you'll see the plan. I can over here. So in the menu and the first time you see this, you get this. So you can request the new planning.






So I push that.


You push that ... and then magically like within a minute, about a minute you'll get this planning. And, Liz,  what do you think maybe we should swap some things around? I mean, am I able can you know this one?

Oh, yeah. There, that makes the grid look a lot better.


So I'll just push them.


Then you move them around


and you organize your grid the way that you would like it to be.


Yes. So then I want to start approving some posts because maybe some posts are not suited for my salon and I would like to change them, as we said, or personalize them. So we build in this little, I think, Tinder, Tinderstyle, Tinderstyle social media approval process. So here, let me talk like touch this like a button and have this amazing post. I love it. So let's approve this so we can tinder our way through the post now.

And so, yes, I would like to have this on my profile. No, I don't know. I don't. So this one, I like it, but maybe there is a cooler one. So do you want to.




Let there be confetti and confetti.


Amika has so many posts in there, there is so much to choose from. A new option will pop up and the same for your monthly planning.


And there it is.

So there is a cool post, but I do think it needs some personalization. There's no caption included.




So we could add like something


something like this. But we pressed little pencil here saying. We're going to retouch this. 


Yes. And again. yes, and again, you'll here see the camera and you have room to type something. So again, we're going to take a picture and this is from 'Fade Block'. I don't know if we have 'Fade Block'.


I think we did. Yes. Let's not waste time on finding it. Let's use that one.


So we're going to use this one. Now ... Smile. Yes. Amazing. So we're going add this one. Yes. Add it to the planning.


And then hashtag and


you see it uploading,


OK, soon as it's ready. All you need to do is add your caption.




So add the product. Add the caption. Add a hashtag


and everything ... Green

And approve. And now you will find it in your grid. There you see Lies. So the cool thing is you can really combine amika posts and personal post. Yeah. You could even do like a little cha-cha-cha, like Amika-Amika-personal. Amika-Amika-Personal. Yes, something like that.


You'll like to change the grid around. So have a look at our grid. We have our two Instagram accounts we have at @embrosa.pics.beauty, and then we have the @embrosa, which is our main account and where we talk about all the different industries that we are working for. Because Amika and the hair industry is one and beauty is one. And then we have so many different industries like the optical and the bakeries. And all these different industries that can use our app and use it in the way that amika tries to, you know, give it to you as well, making your life easier.

So good tip: add our Instagram accounts there as well. You can always reach us through those accounts. We can always answer your questions through those accounts. Most important is that you go to the download link because, you know, we can talk about this app and you can re-watch this, you know, when you go back to amika's Instagram TV. But basically, it's so easy. We want you to try it out yourself. So when you download the app, go through the steps, you can re-watch this and see how we talk to you through the beginning.


It is a beautiful social media marketing app that is basically made available to you by amika. Because they put all their products in there for you, all their pictures, beautiful hair art. If you go to our Instagram account at @Embrosa.Pics.Beauty, you'll see that we are sharing a lot of amika content as well because it's just so beautiful. So it's fantastic content to share on your social media. A lot of engagement can come from that with your clients.


So almost 35 minutes.




Yes. And we said we would keep it like on point and short. So can we maybe the most important takeaways.


Take-away 1: Thank you amika. Thank you @amikapro

OK, so yes, let's do that. Most importantly, I guess, again, thank you, amika, amikapro for, you know, inviting us to this fantastic Masterclass series. Which, you know, started during this really crazy pandemic times. And we're so happy to see all those, we are back at work posts because that means, you know, a lot of our stylists and colleagues right now are at work, you know, and then it's a good thing.

That's a good thing. We're so happy that all the salons are back open and we hope that you guys are doing fantastic and are healthy.

Take-away 2: Are you an amika salon? Download the Embrosa App and start sharing the beautiful amika posts

Thank you for spending your time with us. You know, that's a very important second, and that is why we're here, because we really want to save you some time. And that's why we came on to show you about how Embrosa can really make your life easier.

So navigate your way to the Embrosa app, social media marketing app, amika app almost by now, for you.

If you put in hairdressing and add amika there as your brand, we're always here to help you through it. To coach you. We call ourselves social media coaches. So ask questions. There are no silly questions. Just go ahead and ask and we can assist you. Either through the chat in the app or do it through, you know, our social media accounts. You can find us everywhere on social media. Or you should be able to find this everywhere on social media.

Take-away 3: Get your grid together. With Embrosa and amika it's a piece of cake!


And I think so the grid you said. I think that was a really good take away. The grid is really your storefront or salonfront. 


Yes. And that's step one. I would really focus on that point. Yeah. So I know that, you know, like, there are more options. There's always more. And I mean, Instagram is going so fast, like there's going to be six neighborhoods (note: referring to the four neighborhoods mentioned in the amika masterclass by Daniel Mason Jones), you know, like real soon.

For now we have these four (note: grid, stories, Instagram Live and Instagram TV (or IGTV). We're focusing on the grid so we can really help you with this grid.

I do want to say that amika has been adding stories-content as well. So the longer version of the content. So you can find the square pics that you can use in your grid, but then you can always find the longer ones, the vertical ones as well. Is the stories content, so there is in there already.


So get your grid together. That's one.


And we can help you with that. So try the planning. We can really help you to keep that grid together and have all the beautiful amika content in there.

Take-away 4: Make your social media personal! Personalize is the magic word.


Two. Very important magic word. Keep remembering it. personalize. It has to be personal. People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it. You probably heard Simon Sinek see or say it somewhere on Instagram or on social media.

But people buy why you do your work. They buy the products from you because they believe in you as a professional. Because you've done their hair. Because you've listened to their story. They want to see the same on Instagram. They want to see the same on social media. So be personal. Change the pictures around. We are giving you like a ready-made, like a pre-fab planning. You know, you can use it and it's good, but you can make it even better by adding your own text and add your own hashtags. Add your own location and, for example, your own pic with the product itself.

So change it around, but keep it personal, make it personal. So I guess that's the biggest second take away. And we've got so much more to say. I think Daniel Mason Jones said the same. There's so much to tell you. We've got so much we want to teach you and we want to talk about. But we're going to keep it short. As we said, time is precious.


So there's two more things


Two more things. Important.

Don't forget: Go to emb.link/amikarocks


Yes. And it's mirrored. Yeah, that's a good takeaway for next time. Yeah. So but go to emb.link/amikarocks. They rock, of course.


Of course they do. And, and we've made it so that when you put your email in there that we can send you the discount code for the two months free premium. So we really would like for you to try that out. So you can see how easy it is, how much time it will save you, and how fantastic your grid will look with the reposting.


And you don't need the other apps anymore. There's no need for repost or like what was the other Regram. All you need to see the amika app. Now you can post automatically to Facebook. And for Instagram, we'll just send you like a small reminder, like it's ready. You've planned this. Go ahead, press on OK, and it will go to Instagram I think that is a good addition. We've got so many more tips, but I think we're going to keep it at this.


Yes and yes. I think that's good.

And to round off ... again ... AMAZING content by Amika in the Embrosa app. So check it out and share and make it personal and be out there.


Yeah. And be personal with us too because we love this. This was a bit exciting. Yeah. We really hope that you enjoyed it and we hope that you are going to watch it a lot and just maybe not too much, but just go to the app and then download the app and use the app.aThat's what we're doing this for. And this why Amika and Embrosa are working together to, you know, make it easier for you.


So thank you amika.




For giving us the floor and thank you to everybody for watching. And we hope that you have a rocking day in the salon. It's a Friday, it's Friday night here. So no more salons here, but we have that for you in the States. You know, everybody in the UK is closed, but now we have a fantastic weekend. And thank you for watching.


Yes. High five. Bye


high five to you.


Yeah. Bye, everyone.

Follow us on @embrosa.pics.beauty

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