Embrosa vs WeTransfer

things to consider for brand managers and marketing managers when choosing a brand portal for their retailers

The core question: Do you want to share with your marketing team or your resellers?

If you work in a marketing team, you often work with very large files. Think high-res pictures for packshots or campaign images. But of course, also campaign videos and movies for Insta stories and TikTok Reels. You need all the megabytes and gigabytes to ensure a good quality end result. Especially when the images are used for print in trade journals or glossy magazines.

Storing the materials for your own marketing team is not really a challenge. There are plenty of solutions out there to safeguard your materials. You can store them on your own servers, in a Digital Asset Management System (DAM) like Bynder, a Google Drive, or in WeTransfer Pro.

But sharing these big files with local resellers or retailers can become cumbersome and problematic, especially for teams that need to move fast.

You can use WeTransfer for this. Of course. But do see the difference:

  • Your marketing experts know their way around the computer: Sharing the files to that one web-designer, marketing agency, pr-agency or graphical designer is not that big a deal. And WeTransfer works fine for that. These marketing experts know their way around the computer and know exactly how to combine your press release texts in PDF format with that extra ZIP file, containing several product and campaign shots in TIFF, PSD, EPS, RAW, AI, BP or any other abbreviated format. No problem at all.
  • Your retailers are not tech-savvy and not behind a desktop: But if you want to share the marketing materials with all your distributors and the hundreds, thousands or hundreds thousands of resellers (may it be salons, shops, retailers, restaurants or bars that sell your product) … well good luck with that! That is a whole different ball game.

"Sharing the files to that one web-designer, marketing agency, pr-agency or graphical designer ... WeTransfer works fine for that. These marketing experts know their way around the computer. But if you want to share the marketing materials with all your distributors and resellers... That is a whole different ball game."

Problem 1: most retailers are not behind a pc

Let me explain: On the surface, document sharing tools and/or cloud storage tools seem easy enough for your local retailers to use, but, in reality, local entrepreneurs are not that tech-savvy.

I hear you think: receiving a WeTransfer link is just click and download, right?

Not quite.

I assume you do your work mostly from a desktop computer or laptop. But now let’s hop into the skin of a hairdresser. As a hairdresser, you work with your hands. The only computer in the salon is at the cash register. Not the right place to work undisturbed on your social posts for the next week. That's why you use your phone. This is especially easy because you want to post to Instagram too. And let’s face it, WeTransfer is easier to use for desktop users than mobile users.

Yes, we know WeTransfer has the Collect app, but still, that doesn’t solve the problem. I’ll tell you why:

Problem 2: Retailers work with multiple brands

Whether I am a hairdresser or a retailer, I usually don’t work with just one brand. As a hairdresser, I use 3 to 5 different brands. As a retailer, I sell 20 to 50 different brands. Your brand is just one of them. And you might be sending your branded marketing kit using WeTransfer, but the other 49 brands might be using their own portal, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box.

And the salon owner or retailer … they have to keep track of all the different download links, brand portals, all the different passwords for this and the downloaded files on their phones. Yep, you might see now, this is not working.

That’s also why, when you don’t have WeTransfer Pro, your local retailers keep calling and emailing you to please resend the link. Understandable, since keeping track of your link (and the 49 links of the other brands) is a fulltime job.

Problem 3: Retailers don't know what to write (or don't dare to write or don't have time to write)

Then, let’s say you are super lucky and your local retailers are really tech-smart and they make your WeTransfer (Pro) link work. Great! Did you also prepare ready-made social media captions to go with the pictures and videos?

Did you put those texts in a word file or excel spreadsheet? Let me guess, you organized everything (neatly for you) in folders?!

Well, let me break the news to you: your local retailer will not find the right text in your spreadsheet using their desktop, they will not copy and paste your caption, they won’t find the right picture that goes well with the caption in your (un)organized folder, and they don’t know how to move the download from their desktop to their mobile phone to be shared to Instagram.

Let’s face it. It is just not going to happen!

Problem 4: Your retailers forget expiration dates

Oh, and what’s definitely not going to happen: your retailers, salon owners, restaurant owners:… it’s impossible for them to keep track of the expiry dates of each and every one of your marketing assets. Breaches of model contracts are to be expected. You are warned!

So you might assume that sharing a WeTransfer link with your distributors and retailers is a real solution, but to be honest: it is not. It might be a great tool for you. But it isn’t a solution for your retailers.

File transfer services like WeTransfer (Pro) and other Document Sharing Tools really fail to engage retailers at a granular level.

"File transfer services like WeTransfer (Pro) and other Document Sharing Tools really fail to engage retailers at a granular level"

When should you use WeTransfer (Pro)

WeTransfer is super suitable for brand managers or marketing teams collaborating on creating content

WeTransfer makes online collaboration and storage of assets easy for marketing and brand managers within your company

WeTransfer is awesome when you want to share files or collaborate with various external marketing agencies or press agencies

You should keep working with WeTransfer. We mean it. It’s a great solution. But use it for yourself, your marketing team, and your external marketing agency. But don’t use it for your retailers.

When should you use Embrosa?

If you work with retailers and you share marketing assets with them, you need a different tool to better streamline the distribution of your branded social media marketing assets with your local retailers. Embrosa can improve your brand's marketing efforts for retailers. Embrosa can streamline your distribution, make it scalable, and measurable.

When do you need Embrosa as an add-on to your WeTransfer (Pro)

  • When you work with many local entrepreneurs;
  • When your local entrepreneurs are not particularly tech-savvy, social media-shy, and prefer using their mobile over desktop;
  • When you want to align your brand(s) and your retailers on a global scale;
  • When you want to share social media marketing campaigns with your local retailers;
  • When you prepare ready-made marketing campaigns, consisting of both caption/text and visuals/videos. You want to offer your retailers the complete package;
  • When you want your caption translated in multiple local languages;
  • When you want retailers to easily and continuously share your marketing assets on Facebook and Instagram;
  • When you want to control availability dates and prevent breaches in model contracts.

Do you want to see how Embrosa can benefit your brands and your local retailers, request a free trial and schedule a demonstration tour through the Embrosa portal.

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Getting started with Embrosa

Embrosa vs Dropbox